Meeting Survey – April 2020

Please respond by 12 midnight Sat April 4th

This form is for Eudunda 150 Committee Members to vote on when we will meet next,
taking into account the COVID-19 Virus restrictions that have been implemented across Australia.

Firstly, I thank you for taking the time to be on the Eudunda 150th Committee, your time and health and safety are important to us all, so please read and see how we can go forward.

I hope everyone has read Samuel’s email to you all, and had a chance to think about what to do. If you did not receive it – please let me know, and I have uploaded it to the website so you can review it straight away.

With the directives from Government about minimum persons meeting together (and many other diretctives), it would be almost impossible to have meetings ‘together as a group’ for the current time. There are also questions on if it would even be necessary.

Sadly many of our lead up events, Barossa History Fair and SA History Festival which would have helped promote our event are cancelled.

We as a committee need to be trying to keep moving forward as best we can, so somehow we need to be considering having meetings and making decisions and putting things in place.

If you feel that it will be hard to hold the event this year what would you choose? Current suggestions for 2021 are March or November? It might also be possible to run some things as “online” this year and next, and I am currently looking at this idea for the Paul Pfeiffer – Lost Poet event and Colin Thiele 100th (if we run them this year). What other ones might work online?

Please fill in the form below with as much info as you can – it would be greatly appreciated, as we try to move forward. We need to make a committee decision now – as there are people to notify of changes and negotiations to be done for things like funding etc. That is why I have asked for feedback by 12 midnight Sat April 4th.  I am sending a request to join this survey from both our email list and also by TXT.

The form will be your “official voting slip”

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